Tuesday 15 December 2020


 Why URDU has been given a status of national Language?

Muslims of Sub Continent cant live their lives with Indian (Hindu ) Majority. So All languages excluding Urdu  were spoken in Indian Sub Continent before Islam came in Indian Sub Continent. Urdu is identifiable language by the specification mark of Muslims , This is so young language . After Ameer Khusro  it was started , Urdu is mostly spkoen by Muslims of Indian Sub Continent  . All Sindhi , Bengalis, Punjabi , Pashtoon who speak their  languages are not muslims but point is that most of the Respective groups of these languages who are muslims they speak Urdu . For Example All punjabi's do not speak Urdu but Muslim Punjabi's speak this language and this happens with all other respective languages. This Language was born in Indian Sub Continent as it is a Lashkari Language , most of different languages words have been submerged in Urdu language , even Indo European languages have similarities and we can observe them , for example, Table ,Glass, Cup, (English words) Ananaas (French word)  etc . Urdu has played a role of bridge between all different languages but it couldnt compete  colonial legacy .From 800 years till yet now  this language works as a communication between all nations. This language was not specific to any province which lead towards the disadvantage for this language and at some extent it also lead towards the advantages.

Let me tell you very important and interesting factor that how famous this language is , if you observe Bollywood so they usually make their movies in urdu language instead of having above 100 languages especially they also ignore the pure Hindi language because  all indians would watch it as if they are made in specific language of india so other states would have problems to get the learning objective of it and iterest would automatically get decreased so Urdu was widely spoken in all over the indian sub continent so that makes easy for Bollywood industry to produce their movies in urdu language so this comfort zone will increase the audience of movies.

Urdu was named different names such as like ریختہ۔دہلوی ۔ہندی۔ ۔.   After Pakistan was made ,Punjabi's worked a lot for the promotion of Urdu language ,famous are Faiz ahmed Faiz, ,Faraz ,Ashfaq Ahmed Sahab ad lots of more. URDU  symbolically made a role to get near all different languages ,peoples, nations, cities, and countries. Till yet now Urdu is adopting different languages words in his own way.

I hope this article has cleared most of the misconceptions about the Urdu Language. if you  do have questions or any query so please must email your feedback. 

Email: shaikhazam.saeed@gmaill          

Thank you

Shaikh Azam Saeed


Wednesday 5 February 2020

Guys New Revolution gonna take place .
Now the awareness of Sports and other Humanities subjects  will be introduced through the perspective of Science.I hope this will be a great fuel up for all of us to maintain a healthy and productive environment in our spin of Globalization of World. soon new posts regarding it will be posting.

Peace is the only key through which you can have the running of everything of any categorical aspect of life in normal routine. There are some aspects through which the situation of peace can be distorted and you would have to face the troubles. Now let’s have an overview on the aspects; when you have conflicts which can be turn in shape of ideology, personality, economically, religiously, socially and obviously enormously politically. Then there are different ways to handle them so situation of Peace can be maintained otherwise problems can turn towards the more two shapes,i.e.; Tangible and Non Tangible . In Tangible problems and conflicts can be seen such as enchanting statements against each other, making an attack on somebody etc. But in Non-Tangible you can see the problems physically but can analyze and observe them through the strong sting of relations of both parties.
In 1914 when first WW1 started so people were very scared from the circumstances as they would have been happened lots of destruction. Britain and Germany were the main competitors, while there are other countries who came inn WW1 as their allies such as France ,Russia Italy were at the side of Great Britain and Austria Hungary Ottoman empire were at the side of Germany . Germany suppressed Great Britain a lot in the beginning but after some time when America intervened in this war because of Germany‘s violence and destruction to the USA’s naval ships. So Germany had to face the consequences and USA had become one of the main power in the alliance of Great Britain. That was the time when Revolution in Russia had started and Tsar Gov. was going to be declined as well, and Russia cam with new ideology that is Communism through which they thought that they could prosper their country and foster the growth of theirs country and it happened truly and gradually the SYSTEM of COMMUNISM  had been propagated in all over the USSR .And through that time being the itching problems were getting occurred between the perceptions of USSR and USA and eventually their differences had been started  and that ideological conflict was converted into all categorical aspect of relations of both countries . Thus in WW2 both countries were allies in the beginning but later after it they got separated. So what happened actually in 1939 WW2 got started and people were very concern about the consequences as that was the revolution time of Asia’s countries such as Indian subcontinent , China,Korea,Vietnam,Taiwan etc.
Again after lots of crisis Germany again stood against the power of Great Britain and this time allies were changed at some sort of way such as now Italy and japan now with Germany and all previous countries with Great Britain, but here again USA didn’t intervene in the beginning, but after Pearl Harbor attack they responded violently which is still being memorized by all over the world with the names of Nagasaki and Hiroshima attacks. At that time the Conflicts between USA and USSR now started Tangibly and USSR twisted their position in war and joined Germany , though Germany got defeated again and WW2 was ended up BUT a new WAR had been started which was named as a COLD WAR . Before explaining the COLD WAR I need to discuss the types of WAR as well. There are different types of WAR in the world which were happened and always they do not give us a proper solution except the destruction, loss of people, deflation of economical position of countries and birth of new crimes etc. 

Hot War: in which you have a conflict and you have a war with other country and you are involved physically in it and you fight with each other and in a short period of time you have a result instantly eventually by expanding ,invading other’s country and their assets as well.
Cold War: In which you have a war but you don’t have a fight, though both countries are ready for war and they don’t have any way of arbitration with each other and just a one incident needed to be occurred through which countries can get in a disastrous war which can create more huge destruction instead of World War 1&2. This Cold War was between USA and USSR from 1945 to 1989.
Same thing had happened with USA and USSR .and the ideological inflicts of Capitalism and communism had been converted in to contemporary armed, cultural and political dimensions conflicts and at the end of WW2, main two powers emerged as a nascent ideology in world.
In this assignment I ll try to apply and discuss one of the ideology on order to account for cultural and political dimensions of the period which heated up the Cold war, i.e.: Vietnam War.
Thus there were lots of rising tensions such as Bombs, arms race, Cuban crisis missile,Berline crisis . But the Cold war heated up when Korean, Vietnam and Middle East war had been started, which created Détente Period. The Vietnam War was a lengthy, expensive and fragmented conflict that allowed the Communist government of North Vietnam to fight South Vietnam and its  main ally, the United States. The conflict was fueled by the ongoing Cold War between  the United States and the Soviet Union. More than 3 million people (including over
58,000 Americans) died in the Vietnam War and more than half of the deaths were
 Vietnamese citizens. In opposition to the war in America, the Americans were bitter,
even after President Richard Nixon ordered the withdrawal of US troops in 1973.
The communist forces ended the war by conquering power in the south. Vietnam in 1975
and the unified country is the Socialist Republic of Vietnam the following year.


The Vietnam War can be considered a "proxy" war in the Cold War. Although the Soviet Union and the United States did not directly go to war, they each supported a different side in the war. Though USA and USSR both faced lots of difficulties in this war and In the United States, the consequences of the war in Vietnam would last long after the return of the last troops in 1973. The nation spent more  than $ 120 billion on the Vietnamese conflict of 1965-1973; these massive expenditures led to  widespread inflation compounded by a global oil crisis in 1973 and extremely high fuel prices. Psychologically, the effects are even deeper. The war had broken the myth of American invincibility and bitterly divided the nation. Many returning veterans faced negative feedback from both opponents of the war and their supporters as well as physical damage. , including the effects of exposure to war. Toxic herbicide Agent Orange, millions of gallons of which have been dumped by American planes into the dense forests of Vietnam.
Atlast I would conclude that Vietnam War was the event which created most of the Heat up Period in Cold War which lasted lots of negative influences till 1989. Thank you.