Tuesday 28 August 2012

Economical Paradigm In Pakistan

Today I want to elucidate some analytical and brief issues about the economical paradigm in Pakistan.I will not talk about the history of economy paradigm in Pakistan I just go through analytically to the economic paradigm of Pakistan.
 Pakistan is a country of combination of freak events and it is totally because of bad management or we can say that mismanagement. first of all we have to understand the meaning of economy ,what actually the economy is totally about, so lot of authors wrote about it different views and I do respect to lot of them but i have concluded or i can say that i have summarized their views in my one sentence that Economy is to solve the issues which come from the scientific manipulations and their sustainability is more even than any other and which give benefits to concern Organization or country etc. And the most important thing is in economy is that how to complete the need of people regarding their social growth and what solutions do we have to continue that certain project and all is depends upon Increasing consumption and decreasing resources.
There were lot of fundamental issues in Pakistan's economy and for all issues we had to go through from above certain Questions and in them answer is hidden. when we talk about economy four factors of production comes in our mind
1.Land,which can be used for any industry and any other projection
2.Enterpreuners. who actually deal and lead the economy further
3.Amount. which has significant role in economy and without it everything is Zero
4.work force.
In Pakistan we did had the natural water network system e;g: bay of Bengal, Chittagong, and we had also interaction to communism and capitalism, and there were much unskilled workers who were available in cheap rates but all is about bad management and this bad management was there to use the natural resources in Pakistan.we had all these four factors but there was a need to polish those factors but freak ideologies disperse the paradigm from tis actual position. Economy is to get stable the maximum gain and minimum loss and this efficiency of economic should be implemented in Pakistan.
There are three things which can aim your ideas and target
3. co-operation
Pakistan started it's economic history very well because at that time consumption was very low and production was high and at that time Pakistan used the resources efficiently, we have Dams and dams benefits the the industry and mostly the agriculture industry and Pakistan five year plan which was made in 1976 by Mehboob ul Haq ,it really proved beneficial for Pakistan's economy.
And political policies and internal interest of politicians also devastated the economical standard of Pakistan and now Enforces of Globalization knocking at our door and we can not close our doors and we have to change whole system which get influenced by economy and this really have to be done now.
At last I just want to say that it is difficult for us to compete these problems but consistency of hardship and true and honest  thinking and act can only alter the whole situation gradually.

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