Friday 31 August 2012

Historical Analysis on Esubius's book's chapter No.1 Life.

Today I am going to present 3 answers of three questions. I will elucidiate the answers from the chapter no.1 LIFE from the book “ the life of constantine,”By Eusebius and it is the Oration of eusebius in praise of Constantine from a revised translation with prolegomena and notes, by Ernest cushing richardson, phd..
i will elaborate these answers to my perception of analyse but in the terms of eusebius writings and I hope that you will love it, And I HAVE TAKEN CHAPTER 1 FROM THIS BOOK,PAGE 672 TO 684
first question generalise that is there any chronology is being used in this chapter or not?
So my answer is that yes , chronology is being used in this chapter,but ina different manner it not a in a term of timeline but in the terms of detailed writing. let me elaborate this answer with some examples .
In chapter 1 Life of constantine is discussed and this discussion has really a good manuality such as he firstly categorize the the life Constantine periodically .
1. Early years
2. The first five years of reign
3. Situation in 311
4. Second five years
5. Third five years
6. Fourth five years
7. Fifth five years
8. Sixth five years
9. Last years
And when we go through the chapter no 1 so we see that how categorically and chronologically he described each and every event briefly ,in early years he told about the starting years of Constantine and his childhood and then about his military education and then in 2nd heading first five years of reign are discussed that how he expanded his empire and what are the policies which he took then categorically his second ,3,4,5,6 years of reign are being discussed and at last his last years of life are discussed and about his death and in all these headings Constantine life is discussed periodically which tell us that his life is full of wars. And this chapter’s heading and writing persuade me to accept that all is written about Constantine is written chronologically but in detailed terms with the references of different books.

2nd question is that is that is eusebius discussingabout pagan relgion and if yes then is he praising pagon relgion more than any relgion.????
about pagons.eusebius' apologetic work as directed to educated pagans or newly converted gentiles.And in his reign period eusebius told us that wherever he conquered he tried to expand that area with Christianity and Constantine had very strong relations with ecclesiastical society and he let them to preach and propagate the Christianity and he built churches there. so all this tell us that Christianity has more significance in his life than any other religion . Nevertheless, one of the more interesting aspects of how Christian appropriation of the Old Testament tradition needed to be justified in the context of polemical debate with pagans because pagans often chided Christians for deviating from the Jewish tradition whose Scriptures they continued to use. that Eusebius refers to Porphyry positively and negatively throughout the work as the most prominent representative of pagan religious and philosophical opinion in his day. So answer is that he took pagan religion as a root and convert this root in plant as a Christianity and started to give more importance to Christianity.

At last central idea remains.
So central idea is that his total life period was full of wars and he took a moral help or support from the ecclesiastical society which lead him to get more interest in chiristianity and his character was also discussed but thoroughly that he was a man of rules , he didn’t break the rules of life and whoever break that rules he stood agaoins him/her .whether he or she is relative to hin or not and as far as the writing style of eusebius is concerned so it reflects an optimistic view of the history of the life of constantine according to which Christ's message won immediate and widespread acceptance, so that attempts to suppress Christianity were mere aberrations and were doomed to failure
.he was brave man and a man of commitment .

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